Irish Pagan Holidays Bundle

5 Course Bundle to Learn about Community Fire Festivals and Cross Quarter Days (Solstices and Equinoxes) in Ireland

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Learn about the beliefs, Irish mythology, folklore and magic of the turning of the year in Ireland - with Irish Draoí Lora O'Brien.

Irish Pagan Holidays are rooted in the native traditions of the land and her people, giving us a more complex view than the NeoPagan wheel of the year. In this bundle of 5 Courses, you can explore the Pagan calendar from this perspective, and access practical advice on how to tune in to the Seasons and Sacred Cycles of Ireland.

The Baseline Course of this bundle is Seasons and Sacred Cycles, which covers:

  • - Rethinking the 'wheel' in Ireland's traditional 2 separate cycles.
  • - Naming the Festivals.
  • - Lora's Personal Practice.
  • - A look at the Irish Fire Festivals - Samhain, Imbolg, Bealtaine, Lúnasa.
  • - How to work with the Cross Quarters or Solar Cycle (Solstices and Equinoxes).
  • - Suggested Festival Ritual Structure for your Personal Practice.
  • - Resources and Recommended Reading.

From there, you can carry on learning through the whole year, with 4 more classes covering the Irish Fire Festivals in depth.

Each of these classes explores, for each of the Fire Festivals:

  • -- The name, meanings and pronunciations - with a native Irish speaker.
  • -- Irish history and traditions of the festival.
  • -- The most important elements or themes of this festival.
  • -- The biggest mistakes people make, so you don't have to.
  • -- Irish Gods or Goddesses associated with this festival.
  • -- Some obstacles we face as modern Pagans working with ancient traditions/ working outside Irish culture.
  • -- Shared native experiences and opinions.
  • -- Practical exercises, prompts, challenges.
  • -- A short Q&A session that was recorded during the live online class.

This bundle provides over 12 hours of quality content, including teaching presentations, bonus resources, and 5 unique Guided Journeys.

The combined cost for these classes when purchased individually is €200 or $250.

See the orange enrollment buttons below for the bundled cost discount!

Your Instructor

Lora O'Brien
Lora O'Brien

Lora is a modern Draoí – a practitioner and priest of indigenous Irish magic and spirituality. She has been consciously following a spiritual path exploring her native Irish traditions for 30 years, dedicated specifically to the Irish Goddess Mórrígan in 2004, and is the author of seven books on Irish history, mythology, folklore, witchcraft, Pagan practice and priesthood. Her eighth book, on the Mórrígan, will be published by Llewellyn (2025). She professionally developed and managed one of Ireland's most important sacred sites - Cruachán/Rathcroghan - for a decade, and is a co-founder and legal celebrant with Pagan Life Rites Ireland. With her partner, Jon O'Sullivan, she is the co-founder of the Irish Pagan School, and together they create a vast amount of community service content for the Irish Pagan School Blog, YouTube Channel, and Podcast. Lora founded the Ogham Academy in 2022, and has a Masters Degree in Irish Regional History (2023) on the topic of Ogham and Irish Identity. (Pronouns: She/They)

Course Curriculum

"Truly enjoyed this class. Seeing how the Seasons and Cycles are broken down, (The Fire Festival and Solar Cycles) from this perspective, the meanings behind them and how each is observed, celebrated and/or practiced today.. how it was years past. It really helped clear up a lot of mistruths I've heard over the years, and belayed a little worry I had going into learning about how to bring them into my own life. I look forward to digging a little deeper with a few of the mentioned resource books. Already have 'Myths, Legend, and Romance: An Encyclopedia of Irish Folk Tradition' in my amazon prime cart." - Dawn Otstot (for 'Seasons and Sacred Cycles')

Courses Included with Purchase

Seasons and Sacred Cycles
Learn about the mythology, folk traditions and magic around the turning of the year and Pagan Festivals in Ireland.
Lora O'Brien
Samhain in Ireland
Online Class about how we Celebrate the Samhain Fire Festival (Halloween) in Irish Paganism
Lora O'Brien
Bealtaine in Ireland
Learn How We Celebrate the Bealtaine (Beltane) Fire Festival in Irish Paganism
Lora O'Brien
Imbolg in Ireland
Learn How We Celebrate the Imbolg (Imbolc) Fire Festival in Irish Paganism
Lora O'Brien
Lúnasa in Ireland
Online Class about how we Celebrate the Lúnasa (Lughnasadh) Fire Festival in Irish Paganism
Lora O'Brien

Original Price: €200

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access all 5 Courses in this Bundle?
When you enroll in this bundle, you will be sent access information by email (Fáilte - Your Access to the Irish Pagan School), and you can take things at your own pace from there - you decide when you start and when you finish. Simply log into the Irish Pagan School any time, and click on the 'My Courses' tab at the top. These (and any other courses you are enrolled in) will be ready for you there!
How long will my enrollment last for?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this version of the Courses for as long as you remain a member of the Irish Pagan School - across any and all devices you own. So, you can take your time, or get them all done quickly - it's up to you. And, you can easily revisit and refresh your learning any time you like! (Why not pop in and refresh the Course before each one of the festivals, so you can properly prepare for them through the whole year?)
What if I enroll, then change my mind?
If you are unsatisfied with your enrollment for any reason, just contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund. If you do require a refund, please email the Irish Pagan School before going through PayPal or Stripe? We will deal with your request and refund your money with no problems!
Do I need to have Irish ancestry to study here?
No, absolutely not. We provide authentic connection to Ireland, from native Irish teachers, for anyone who wishes to learn from us and is willing to put in the time and effort to do this properly, rather than grab a culturally appropriated quick fix.

How to Get Access...

  • Choose the payment option below that best suits you - pay in Euros with a Credit Card, or pay in US Dollars with a Credit Card or PayPal.
  • Click your preferred option so it's highlighted in orange.
  • Click the big orange 'Enroll Now' button.
  • On the Order Summary page, click to 'Add Coupon' if you have one! (Type in the coupon code)
  • Enter your Account and Payment information.
  • Tick the box to agree to the standard Terms and Conditions.
  • Click the orange button at the bottom of that page to enroll at the price that is displayed.

Don't forget you have a full, no quibble, 30 day money back guarantee!

Thank you for this class! What a treat to learn what *actual* Imbolg was/is like. In America, there are a lot of pagan/wiccans who go around and give wildly different accounts of what Imbolg is. I love that you bring actual texts/documents/sources to the table :) I really enjoyed it!

- Jessica Slagle (for 'Imbolg in Ireland')

Get started now!