Heroes & Villains of Ancient Ulster

Introducing some Notable Names from the Ulster Cycle of Ireland

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Online Course exploring the mythology of the Heroes and Villains of one of Ireland's ancient provinces, Ulster. From the warriors of its martial society, the deeds of its chief Druid, to the tales of two kings, this class will introduce you to many of the notably names of the Ulster Cycle of Ireland’s lore, with Dagda Bard and Priest, Jon O'Sullivan (An Scéalaí Beag).

There are many names that make up the sagas of ancient Ireland. Names which carry with them great deeds, fair and foul, which have echoed down the centuries to us today. Though the Táin Bó Cuailnge sits at the core of the Ulster Cycle and gives us many of these great names, there are many more figures from Ulster whose exploits are worthy of note.

This course will be delving into the lore of the Ulster cycle, its sources and its stories to pull out the identities of some of the notable and influential figures of Ulster’s ancient past and presenting an introduction to their names and deeds as well as giving a guide to where we can find them in the ancient lore of Ireland.

This Teaching is suitable for beginners, as well as those with more experience in this area, or in other traditions. You do not have to be dedicated to or working with any Irish Gods, Guides, or Guardians to take this class.


Your Course access enrollment below includes access to:

  • -- Presentation & Resource Slides
  • -- Class Video
  • -- Class Audio
  • -- Q&A Session (recorded during live class)

You will get the unique perspective of a native Irish bard, who studies the lore of Ireland and retells those tales for a modern audience, keeping to the core values and traditions and integrating them in his own Pagan practices and Right Relationship with the Old Gods of Ireland.

This is a completely self-paced online course.

When you are enrolled, join in live if possible, and get the recorded files after for repeated or further study and reference. You decide when you start and when you finish.

When you enroll in this class, you are receiving lifetime access (with a full 30 day money back guarantee).

Just click the big orange buttons on this page to enroll now!

Your Instructor

Jon O'Sullivan
Jon O'Sullivan

Jon O'Sullivan (An Scéalaí Beag) is an Irish tour guide, author, and storyteller dedicated to the tales of his patron deity, the Dagda, chief of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Co-founder of the Irish Pagan School with his partner Lora O'Brien, Jon shares his knowledge and stories through multiple platforms. He regularly posts on the Irish Pagan School blog, YouTube channel, TikTok, and Patreon, where followers get to ask him questions and gain early access to his video responses. Living with his family in County Waterford, Ireland, Jon continues to weave words that connect hearts and minds to Ireland's rich lore and traditions.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome & Orientation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Reading Exercise (Multimedia)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Q&A Session (20 minutes, multimedia)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Please Let Us Know What You Think!
Available in days
days after you enroll

Having little to no knowledge of the Irish pantheon of male deities, I felt that I stepped into a wonderful level of intimate experience and cultural background in a matter of a few paragraphs. From the warm and personable start to the mapping of the mythos landscape then to the examples of interlinking the Dagda to my own life journey, this is a rewarding turn down my own "path less taken." Thanks much!

Charmaine Whitney - The Dagda - Hearth Hero & Domestic Deity

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my enrollment last for?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this version of the recordings for as long as you remain a member of the Irish Pagan School - across any and all devices you own. So, you can take your time, or get it all done quickly, and revisit it all whenever you want to - it's completely up to you.
What if I enroll, then change my mind?
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for ANY reason, contact us within the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund, no questions asked. If you do require a refund, please just contact the Irish Pagan School directly, by email. We will deal with your request and refund your money with no problems!
Do I need to have Irish ancestry to study here?
No, absolutely not. We provide authentic connection to Ireland, with native or naturalised Irish teachers, for anyone who wishes to learn from us and is willing to put in the time and effort to do this properly... rather than grab a culturally appropriated quick fix.

Loved receiving this class from Jon! His approachable manner makes the lecture portion easy to take in and understand, and the content, including the resources he points learners to, will keep on giving. I'm queer and transmasculine, and so it's really important for me to learn about deities in the Irish tradition who present us with alternative models of masculinity. Thank you Jon and the IPS for bringing us this class!

Dee Straith (Dani Pacey) - The Dagda - Hearth Hero & Domestic Deity

How to Get Access...

  • Choose the payment option below that best suits you - pay in Euros with a Credit Card, or pay in US Dollars with a Credit Card or PayPal.
  • Click your preferred option so it's highlighted in orange.
  • Click the big orange 'Enroll Now' button.
  • On the Order Summary page, click to 'Add Coupon' if you have one! (Type in the coupon code, for example, from our Patreon Here)
  • Enter your Account and Payment information.
  • Tick the box to agree to the standard Terms and Conditions.
  • Click the orange button at the bottom of that page to enroll at the price that is displayed.

Don't forget you have a full, no quibble, 30 day money back guarantee!

Get started now!