Irish Paganism: A Living Tradition

From Ancient Roots to Contemporary Practice, with a Native Irish Draoí.

  Enroll in Course

Have you ever felt a deep, inexplicable connection to the land and traditions of Ireland? Perhaps you’ve always been fascinated by the mystical elements of Irish heritage but feel lost in a sea of tourist targetted information, unsure where to start.

As you explore alternative spirituality, you’re drawn to the authenticity and depth of Pagan practices... but don’t know how to integrate these ancient traditions into your modern life.

Without a clear path, this longing can become frustrating. The rich tapestry of Irish spirituality, with its gods, goddesses, sacred sites, and seasonal cycles, can feel overwhelming.

You may worry that without proper guidance, you’ll never truly understand or connect with these profound traditions. This disconnect can leave you feeling incomplete, as if a vital part of your spiritual journey remains just out of reach.

This online course is designed to bridge that gap.

Created by native Irish author and educator Lora O'Brien, this course offers an accessible yet comprehensive guide to Irish Pagan beliefs and practices.

Through a structured curriculum, you’ll learn about the foundations of Irish Paganism, the significance of sacred places and seasonal cycles, and how to develop your own rituals and practices.

'Irish Paganism: A Living Tradition' provides the tools and knowledge you need to deeply connect with your spiritual heritage.

What Will You Learn?
  • Foundations of Irish Paganism
    • Definitions and core concepts of Paganism
    • Understanding polytheism and pantheism in Irish tradition
  • Sacred Places and Festivals
    • Key sacred sites in Ireland
    • Overview of the Fire Festivals: Samhain, Imbolc, Bealtaine, Lúnasa
  • Deities and Ancestry
    • Key Irish Gods and Goddesses
    • Honouring your ancestors through rituals and research
  • Rituals and Practices
    • Types of rituals: cleansing, consecration, magic, and healing
    • How to develop and maintain personal rituals
  • Practical Application
    • Steps to start your practice
    • Recommended resources for further study and community engagement

The course curriculum materials are broken up into six sections, for accessibility and ease of use.

Full transcripts and subtitles are available on all video materials, for accessibility and ease of processing.

This Teaching is suitable for beginners, as well as those with more experience in this area, or in other traditions. You do not have to be dedicated to or working with any Irish Gods, Guides, or Guardians to take this class.

Your Course access enrollment includes access to:

  • -- Class Presentation Slides
  • -- Class Videos
  • -- Class Audios
  • -- Exercises to complete in your own time
  • -- Recorded Q&A Session with the Teacher.

You will get the unique perspective of a native Irish Draoí, a user of magic who specialises in research and teaching on Irish historical traditions and folklore, while incorporating all of that into a vibrant contemporary Pagan practice within the living magical and spiritual traditions of Ireland.

This is a completely self-paced online course.

When you are enrolled, all curriculum materials are available on demand for repeated or further study and reference. You decide when you start and when you finish.

When you enroll in this class, you are receiving lifetime access (with a full 30 day money back guarantee).

Enroll in the course, download the content, learn from the materials... and if you don't like what you've learned just email us and we'll give you all your money back. We're taking a risk by offering this - we can't get the content back, so you could just enroll, then ask for a refund, and rip us off! However, we work on an honour system with our Tuath, as did our ancient ancestors. We trust that you won't do that to us, just like you can trust that we will do our very best to make sure you have a good experience with the Irish Pagan School.

You have a 100% money back Guarantee, for a full 30 days, so you can go ahead and enroll with full confidence.


Your Instructor

Lora O'Brien
Lora O'Brien

Lora is a modern Draoí – a practitioner and priest of indigenous Irish magic and spirituality. She has been consciously following a spiritual path exploring her native Irish traditions for 30 years, dedicated specifically to the Irish Goddess Mórrígan in 2004, and is the author of seven books on Irish history, mythology, folklore, witchcraft, Pagan practice and priesthood. Her eighth book, on the Mórrígan, will be published by Llewellyn (2025). She professionally developed and managed one of Ireland's most important sacred sites - Cruachán/Rathcroghan - for a decade, and is a co-founder and legal celebrant with Pagan Life Rites Ireland. With her partner, Jon O'Sullivan, she is the co-founder of the Irish Pagan School, and together they create a vast amount of community service content for the Irish Pagan School Blog, YouTube Channel, and Podcast. Lora founded the Ogham Academy in 2022, and has a Masters Degree in Irish Regional History (2023) on the topic of Ogham and Irish Identity. (Pronouns: She/They)

"I came here to learn about my roots. There is a gap in my knowledge that needs to be filled. IPS helps fill the gap with lore and resources, and they do it in a way that makes sense. I also value how Lora and Jon's honesty when trying to place the ancient practices in historical context, and their open mindedness to adapt when new archeological discoveries are made, or when the scholars disagree on a topic. And they do this in a language the rest of us who are not archeology majors can understand."

- Rebecca Mellinger recommends The Irish Pagan School.

Course Curriculum

  Q&A Session
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Please let us know what you think?
Available in days
days after you enroll

"The Irish Pagan school is an invaluable resource that covers many topics within Irish Paganism. The free classes provide the resources one needs to continue their education, even if one can't afford to move on to the paid classes or purchase other materials. The teachers are well versed in the subjects they cover, from an academic as well as spiritual point. IPS is really one of the few sources regarding Irish Paganism that I trust to, not only teach information free from ideas rooted in colonization/ cultural appropration, but to also direct me to other trustworthy sources."

- Billie Ælfwine recommends The Irish Pagan School.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my enrollment last for?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this version of the recordings for as long as you remain a member of the Irish Pagan School - across any and all devices you own. So, you can take your time, or get it all done quickly, and revisit it all whenever you want to - it's completely up to you.
What if I enroll, then change my mind?
If you are unsatisfied with your purchase for ANY reason, contact us within the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund, no questions asked. If you do require a refund, please just contact the Irish Pagan School directly, by email. We will deal with your request and refund your money with no problems!
Do I have to be Irish to study here?
No, absolutely not. We provide authentic connection to Ireland, with native or naturalised Irish teachers, for anyone who wishes to learn from us and is willing to put in the time and effort to do this properly... rather than grab a culturally appropriated quick fix. More Details -

"I am loving the courses and meetings. I have looked for knowledge for most of my life and am so relieved I found a place and teachers that are so knowledgeable, kind and ready to share all the wonderful culture, traditions and everything related to Irish Paganism. I highly recommend the IPS for anyone interested in pure, down to earth learning."

- Anna Garcia recommends The Irish Pagan School.

Once you have enrolled for an online course...

You will receive some emails from Eolas @

When you enroll in a course at the Irish Pagan School, you’ll receive a system confirmation email that contains a clickable link to the course. You can use this link to open your course, or you can type the school or course page URL into the address bar of your web browser. (

You'll also receive:

  • Fáilte - How to Access your Course at the Irish Pagan School! This tells you how to log in, what to do if you forget your password, and how to join our Students Only facebook group (if you'd like to).


  • Choose the payment option below that best suits you - pay in Euros with a Credit Card, or pay in US Dollars with a Credit Card or PayPal.
  • Click your preferred option so it's highlighted in orange.
  • Click the big orange 'Enroll Now' button.
  • On the Order Summary page, click to 'Add Coupon' if you have one! (Type in the coupon code, for example, from our Patreon Here)
  • Enter your Account and Payment information.
  • Tick the box to agree to the standard Terms and Conditions.
  • Click the orange button at the bottom of that page to enroll at the price that is displayed.

Don't forget you have a full, no hassle, 30 day money back guarantee!

Get started now!