About This Lesson
Ok, so I was AIMING for 30-60 minutes per lesson? Um. Well... this went on a bit longer!
So, today for some reason the day I recorded this, my computer clock is reading an hour ahead, and I'd put my phone away so I could focus so I didn't notice, and we started at 8pm not 9pm Irish time. Oops.
But I kept going sure, and we got into a reading of the First Battle of Moytura, Cath Maigh Tuireadh Cunga, which is one of the earliest* stories the Mórrígan appears in.
That shit is looooonnnnnggggg. Lots of gory slashing and heroic battling, but yeah. It took a while.
At the end, we went over again Her appearances in the text, with a little discussion on that. I'm not sure what ye were expecting from this, but I did say we'd be looking at the lore, and we definitely were looking at the lore ;-)
Your work for this lesson is:
- Watch/listen to the video/audio file. It is long, but getting the whole story is important so you have context - not just for Her stuff, but for the Tuatha Dé Danaan and their history/arrival to Ireland, and struggle with the Fir Bolg. Also, the pronunciation maybe be useful?!
- Take note of 2 things as you go through the story... Confusion points and 'Aha!' moments. Literally write/record them.
- Answer the following Questions in your Journal/the Facebook Group, or in the comments below.
- What Surprised you about this story?
- What were your Confusion Points?
- What were your 'Aha!' Moments?
- What do we know about the Mórrígan directly from this story?
The Morrigan's Cave Group is at - https://www.facebook.com/groups/MorrigansCave/
(if you're not already a member, PLEASE answer the initial 3 Questions or the Moderators WON'T let you in!)
*For a certain definition of 'earliest', but we talk about that in session.