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Irish Gods
Making Offerings to Pagan Gods & Goddesses
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Taking Practical Steps towards 'Right Relationship' with Your Deities
Jon O'Sullivan
Brigid, Goddess and Saint
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Exploring the Pagan and Christian Elements of Brigid's Worship in Ireland
Orlagh Costello
The Sovereignty Goddess in Ireland
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Tracing the Evolution of the Sovereignty Goddess in Irish Mythology, History, and Belief
Dr. Gillian Kenny
Rediscovering Ireland's Hidden Goddesses
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Exploring Lesser-Known Irish Deities
Jon O'Sullivan
A Practical Guide to Irish Spirituality
Available until
How to Begin? - from the 3 Worlds of Irish Cosmology - Land, Sea, Sky - through Ancestry, Ancient Places, Sacred Cycles.... and More.
Lora O'Brien
Meeting Irish Gods
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An Introduction to the Tuatha Dé Danann, and How to Work with the Pagan Gods and Goddesses of Ireland
Lora O'Brien
Naming the Gods
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Exploring the names and epithets of the Tuatha De Danann
Morgan Daimler
The Story Cycles of Irish Lore
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Getting to Grips with the Academic Structure of the Irish Lore
Jon O'Sullivan
Exploring the Cath Maige Tuired
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Gain a Deeper Understanding of One of the Most Important Stories in Irish Mythology
Morgan Daimler
Meeting Manannán Mac Lir
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Son of the Sea, Druid of the Tuatha Dé Danann, and Guide to the Irish Otherworld...
Lora O'Brien
The Cailleach in Irish Lore
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Learn about the Cailleach, Drawing Directly from Irish Mythology and Folklore with a Native Irish Guide
Lora O'Brien
Good God! An Introduction to The Dagda
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Meeting the Dagda: Tuatha de Danann Chieftain of the Irish Gods. Who is He anyway?!
Jon O'Sullivan
Introduction to the Mórrígan
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Learn about the Irish Goddess Mórrígan, an Mór Ríoghain with Irish Draoí - Lora O'Brien
Lora O'Brien
An Introduction to Lugh
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ONLINE CLASS - From Boy, to Sage, To King.
Jon O'Sullivan
Brigid in Ireland
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5 Week Course - Learn about Brigid, Irish Goddess and Saint, with native Irish devotee Orlagh Costello
Orlagh Costello
Queen Medb, Cruachan, and Priesthood
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Exploring Queen Medb of Connacht, ancient Irish Initiator, Brehon, Sovereign Queen, and Goddess.
Lora O'Brien
Whose Crow Is This?
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Online Class about the Corvid Species of Ireland and their Connections with Irish Gods & Goddesses
Ian Paul Power
The Morrigan Multi-Pass
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This is (Almost) Everything Lora Teaches About the Mórrígan, in One Place!
8 Course Bundle
The Mórrígan Lore
Available until
Quality, Authentic look at the Lore of the Irish Goddess Mórrígan – An Mór Ríoghain: the Great Queen, the Phantom Queen. (5 Sections, 6 hrs)
Lora O'Brien